8 golden tips for healthy eating

Healthy food to lose weight, the best healthy food for the human body, we often hear or read the phrase "a healthy and balanced diet", so what does this phrase really involve? How do we achieve it in our daily system?

We must know first that we must eat food in quantities that provide us with energy and nutrients for our bodies in order to continue its work, and it is estimated that the average daily need of women to about 2000 calories, and the average need of men is about 2500 calories per day, and of course the value of what we need depends on A range of factors including: age, gender and amount of activity we do.

There is no doubt that eating more calories regularly and in excess of the body’s needs will, over time, lead to weight gain and can lead to obesity. More than 50% of adults in Britain suffer from being overweight or obese, which means that most of us eat Too much calories than daily.

To help us eat a healthy and balanced diet, Britain's public health diet has set eight golden rules for eating well. These rules are:

8 golden tips for healthy eating

1- Your meals depend on starchy carbs
Starchy carbs include potatoes, bread, pasta, rice and noodles, and it is preferable to choose whole grains (such as boiled cereals with water or milk) with the lowest possible addition of fat, salt, and sugar, as starchy foods contain less than half the calories of fat per gram.

2- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
You should eat at least five different portions of fruits and vegetables daily, as they contain a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Fruits can be eaten fresh, frozen, canned, dried, or in the form of unsweetened juices. With regard to eating juices, the quantity should not exceed (150 milliliters) per day. As for the weight of the total amount of dried fruits that can be consumed no more than (30 grams) Daily to be eaten with the meal.

Of course, you can add a lot of vegetables to the home-made tomato sauce, or add carrots and zucchini to the Bolognese sauce, which is an Italian meat-based sauce served with pasta.

3- Eat more fish and a portion of oily fish
Let your goal be to eat two servings of fish permanently during the week, including one serving of oily fish (about 140 grams of cooked fish).

Oily fish, such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and trout, are one of the natural food sources of vitamin D important for bone health; and oily fish is our main omega-3 source that is important for heart health.

You can choose fresh or frozen fish, smoked and canned, but we must remember that smoked and canned fish contain high levels of salt, so we must check the food labels, and choose the items that contain the least amount of salt.

4- Reducing the intake of saturated fats and sugars
Replace saturated fats, which are found in butter, obesity, chocolate, cheese, and fats cut from meat, with unsaturated fats found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, oily fish and avocados, the latter helping to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.

As for eating a lot of sugar, especially between meals, it can increase the risk of developing tooth decay, not to mention the provision of sugar more calories, so we should reduce sugary foods and drinks such as breakfast cereals that contain a high percentage of sugar, cakes, biscuits and sugary drinks And we can replace the previous foods with fruit and yogurt, as it provides us with 5 servings per day.

We also refer here to the need to read food labels to help us choose foods that contain the least amount of saturated fats and sugars.

5- Eat the least amount of salt
Adults should not eat more than 6 grams (a small teaspoonful) of salt per day, while children should eat less than that, since eating salt is associated with a large amount with an increased risk of high blood pressure that may put us at risk of stroke or heart disease Significantly.

Most of the salt we eat is from processed foods and not from added salt during cooking or on the table, so we must always check the amount of salt on the food labels. When comparing foods, the food that is classified as salty has more than 1.5 grams per 100 grams, and the food is less salt when it contains 0.3 grams or less per 100 grams.

When making your meals try adding herbs, spices, citrus juices (lemon and lemon acid), or vinegar that add a delicious flavor to food and reduce salt use.

6- Doing the activity and gaining a healthy weight
Experts recommend doing 150 minutes of moderate activity, or 75 minutes of extreme physical activity for adults (19-64 years), and doing muscle training in strength training at least two days a week.

Moderate activities can include biking or brisk walking; extreme physical activities are like swimming and running, and muscle training activities for strength exercises include lifting weights or carrying heavy boxes and goods from grocery stores.

More than 60% of adults in Britain suffer from being overweight or obese, which makes them at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer, so physical activity can reduce these diseases and help us maintain a healthy weight.

7- Avoid thirst
Consider consuming 6-8 cups a day; water is the best choice to water you without any additional calories for your daily consumption.

There are other good options such as drinking unsweetened coffee and tea, sugar-free drinks and low-fat milk. Unsweetened fruit juices can also be consumed, but remember to limit them to (150 ml) daily. As for consuming alcohol, it is never reliable, as it makes you urinate frequently, not to mention its other harmful effects on health.

8- Do not avoid breakfast
As a healthy breakfast can provide us with fiber, calories, vitamins and minerals important to health; therefore we must choose whole grains, porridge or brown flour to get a healthy start in your day, and you can replace sugary breakfast cereals with regular grains like regular porridge, and do not add sugar to a meal Whole grains or muesli are a blend of oats, nuts, and fruit.

Benefits of eating a healthy diet
  1.  A healthy and healthy food contributes to avoiding infection from various diseases caused by malnutrition, which causes an increase in the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, and increases the body's resistance to exposure to injuries.
  2.  A healthy diet gives the body vigor and vitality, and is able to tolerate more effort and various actions, compared to fast foods filled with harmful fats, which weaken the body and reduce its energy.
  3.  While continuing to eat healthy diets, you will maintain your normal weight and protect your body from being slim or obese.
  4.  Diversification in meals and healthy nutritional sources throughout the week, the body gains various benefits, for example protein sources contribute to replacing damaged cells with new cells, while foods that contain fats and sugars can extend the body with activity and movement, and foods rich in calcium strengthen your bones, and keep your teeth There are also sources of obtaining potassium and sodium that are beneficial to the nerves. As for those who contain phosphorous, they protect your memory and increase your mental activity.

Helpful dieting tips
  • Divide meals intake during the day into 5 or 6 meals.
  • Eat a lot of fruits, drink milk, vegetables, grains and legumes as well as protein, in order to diversify and get the most benefits that the body needs.
  • Do not go after advice on following a strict diet, as this will not cause you to lose a lot of weight, and if it happens you will probably get frustrated a little time to make it difficult.
  • Avoid eating sweets, and foods rich in sugar, as they make your diet unbalanced.
  • You have to make an organized plan, and it's best to write it down so that you don't forget anything, and record your progress, until you reach what you want.
  • Drink lots of water by drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of pure water.

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