has become these days face a lot of women and men as well as young men and
women around the world, so it pops into our mind on our site can provide the
subject benefit all our followers, because our message on our attention to
every health visitors, the subject of today about obesity and how to dispose of
it and normally easy for all, the apple diet to lose five kilos in just a week,
where doctors advised to eat apples, especially in the dieting period.
offer the benefits of apples, which are innumerable:
The apples from the mineral-rich fruits, vitamins and suitable for everyone,
whether women or men.
Doctors say the apple contains natural fiber, this which makes him a laxative
and very helpful.
apple has a small number of calories in the opinion of doctors specializing in
the treatment of obesity.
The apples from nutritious and beneficial fruits of the nervous system to all
the different dental reconstruction.
plan for a week to get rid of five kilos of excess weight:
first day in the apple diet plan:
breakfast, lunch and dinner should consist of apples in the range of 1.5 kg.
And when he hears a lot of people this amount seems somewhat difficult, but it
is very effective in getting rid of fat.
second day:
Breakfast: you should only eat one apple.
Lunch: Must get some rest and not eat apples in this meal, but must be
addressed (green salad - carrots and onions - chewing mint leaves).
dinner: eat small amounts of apple up to 2 or more apple as much as possible.
fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh day in the accursed plan be the same way as
the first days, the apple diet and a healthy diet is recommended by most
doctors around the world Dieting, Diet apples done by many people around the
world and has proved an excellent success.