8 foods important for maintaining bone health

How to maintain bone health, maintaining bone health is reflected positively on the general health of the human being, and the importance of this we offer you the most important foods that help in enhancing their health.

1- Calcium and Vitamin D
The body needs vitamin D to be able to absorb calcium well. Not getting enough calcium will cause osteoporosis, which makes it vulnerable to breakage easily.

2- Milk
Did you know that a cup of milk contains 30% of the calcium you need daily? Hence the importance of drinking milk at all different ages.

Recently, milk manufacturers fortified it with Vitamin D, which helps in proper absorption of calcium in the body, with the aim of maintaining healthy bones.

3- Green leafy vegetables
It is the primary source of calcium after dairy products, so it is important to include it in your diet.

As for spinach, it contains Oxalic acid, which prevents the body from absorbing calcium very efficiently, so try to focus on other green leafy vegetables such as cabbage or watercress.

4- Salmon
It is rare to find a natural source of vitamin D, but fatty fish is an excellent source. Thus eating one serving of salmon can provide you with the required daily dose of vitamin D.

Some canned salmon manufacturers have added calcium to it, to be a bone-healthy food.

5- Almond butter
Almonds are a rich source of calcium, which is useful for bone health, so it is important to eat it daily.

On the other hand, almond butter is low in fat and rich in protein and calcium, try it to get the most benefit from it.

6- Cheese
Cheese is made from milk that contains a high amount of calcium, and Mazurella cheese is the richest in this mineral.

7- Yogurt
Due to the method of making yogurt, we find that it contains a higher amount of calcium compared to milk, so it is necessary to focus on yogurt to maintain bone health in addition to the various other benefits associated with it.

8- Eggs
Eating eggs helps improve bone health, as it contains only vitamin D in the yolk.

How to strengthen bones or how to prevent osteoporosis?
Whatever your age, it's not too late to start. Bone strengthening during childhood and adolescence is the best defense against osteoporosis later on. Early bone strengthening will reduce the effects of the natural osteoporosis process that begins at the age of thirty. As you get older, your bodies don't produce new bones fast enough to keep pace with weak and fragile bones. After menopause in women, the rate of osteoporosis increases. But there are steps you can take to how to strengthen bones and to prevent your bones from becoming weak and fragile.

1. Consume enough calcium every day.
Bones are made of calcium. The best way to prevent rheumatoid arthritis is to put enough calcium into your diet. You need enough calcium that your bones need every day to stay strong throughout all stages of your life. You can get calcium through food, in addition to calcium pills, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Talk to your doctor before using calcium pills to make sure of the best type for you.

Pregnant or lactating women need the same amount of calcium as other women of their age.

2. Get enough vitamin D every day.
It is also important that you consume enough vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. You can get vitamin D sources through exposure to sunlight and through foods such as milk. You need 10 to 15 minutes of sunlight on your hands, your arms, and your face, two to three times a week to get enough vitamin D. The amount of time required depends on your skin's sensitivity to light, the use of sunscreen, the color of your skin and the level of pollution Up in the air. You can also get vitamin D by eating some foods or using vitamin pills. Vitamin D is measured in International Units (IU).

3. Follow a healthy bone-strengthening diet.
Other nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc, as well as proteins, help build strong bones. Milk provides many of these nutrients. These nutrients can be obtained by eating a healthy diet, which includes amounts of these elements. Examples include lean meats, fish, vegetables, leafy vegetables, and oranges.

4. Start the movement.
Exercise helps a lot in how to strengthen bones, by:
  • Slow down osteoporosis.
  • Improve your muscle strength.
  • Improve your weight.

5. Do not smoke.
6. Refrain from drinking alcohol.

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