The 8 Best Diet Plans — Sustainability, Weight Loss


The 8 Best Diet Plans, some people want to lose weight, which makes them look for the best diets, to lose the extra kilograms as quickly as possible, to get a lean and ideal body.


Nutrition experts say that people differ in their response to different diets, stressing that there is no single diet that fits all people.

 The 8 Best Diet Plans

1- Diet Ninja

This diet relies on eating only two meals throughout the day, provided that one meal includes an adequate amount of rice, in addition to fresh fruits and vegetables.


Also, people who follow this diet should not eat some foods, such as "red meat, dairy products, and other foods that change the body smell such as garlic, onions, and artificial sweeteners", because this diet relies more on the vegetarian diet based on two capsules:


Hunger Capsule

It is a ball made of rice, sweet potato, cinnamon, and lotus seeds, and it helps to feel full for a long time, even if a person has not eaten for 3 days.


Thirst capsule

It is made from the pulp of fruits and sugar and thus becomes sufficient to supply the body with energy throughout the day.


2- Diet apples

This regimen depends on consuming apples for 5 continuous days, as well as drinking at least 2 liters of water during one day.

·        The first day: 2 apples for breakfast, one for lunch, and 3 fruits for dinner.

·        The second day: an apple with a cup of soy milk for breakfast, and another fruit with a plate of green salad that contains a little mint and olive oil for lunch, and two fruits for dinner.

·        The third day: an apple with a boiled egg and a slice of toast for breakfast, and another fruit with a plate of salad consisting of tomatoes, onions, and mint leaves for lunch, and for dinner, you should eat an apple and a salad made of broccoli, carrots and turkey slices, and it is recommended to eat a little cup of yogurt Fat between meals.

·        The fourth day: an apple for breakfast, and another at lunch with a plate of grilled vegetables and a cup of green tea, and at dinner an apple is eaten with lettuce leaves.

·        Fifth day: an apple with a boiled egg for breakfast, and at lunch an apple is eaten with a plate of grilled vegetables or vegetable soup, and at dinner, an apple is eaten with a slice of fish prepared in the oven, and almonds can be eaten between meals, with drinking a cup Of green tea.


 3- Diet Tuna

The tuna diet helps you lose weight quickly when you follow it for 3 days only because it is characterized by containing few high calories and carbohydrates, in addition to a large proportion of protein.


The body gets through this diet 40% protein, 30% carbohydrates, and 30% fat, and it depends on:


At first, you should only eat tuna and water over the course of 3 days. Tuna is eaten without adding oil, mayonnaise, vinegar, or any spices. You should drink 2 liters of water daily.


After 3 days, you should eat green leafy vegetables and fruits such as apples, pears, berries, cantaloupe, and low-fat dairy products such as cottage cheese, yogurt, and grilled or boiled chicken.


You should avoid eating nuts, pulp, full-fat dairy products, meats, soda drinks, sugary drinks, and carbohydrates, such as rice, wheat, potatoes, and corn.


4- Diet exams

·        One of the diets that are recommended to follow during the exam period, which incurred students the trouble of excessive focus and intellectual and mental stress, which makes them in dire need of a complete diet.

·        This system relies on eating more than one meal throughout the day:

·        Breakfast: half a loaf or two slices of toast, with a plate of salad, with boiled protein such as eggs.

·        Lunch: 4 tablespoons of rice or pasta, with a plate of salad, with grilled or boiled protein (chicken, meat, or fish).

·        Dinner: a cup of juice, milk, or skimmed yogurt with two fruits.


And it must include those main meals, snacks, such as fruits or vegetables rich in vitamins, which help to increase concentration, and it is preferable to drink warm drinks.


5- Diet Banana

You should follow the banana diet for a few days, not exceeding 3 or 4 days only so that the body does not lose the nutrients it needs.


This system relies on eating 3 to 5 bananas per day, with drinking 3-4 cups of low-fat milk, and in the event that cow's milk is not desired, it can be replaced with almond milk or yogurt, and bananas can be mixed with milk and frozen in the freezer, and eaten as Ice dessert, and it is preferable not to eat any other food during this period.


6- Diet orange

The orange diet works to reduce weight when followed for 14 days, as it depends on eating an orange, a slice of toast, a cup of tea without sugar for breakfast, 2 boiled eggs, two tomatoes with lettuce leaves, and two slices of toast for dinner Eat 2 eggs Boiled, 2 tomatoes.


And at lunch, an orange is eaten with only one type of protein, whether a boiled egg, boiled steak, cottage cheese, or grilled fish.


7- Diet water

The water diet depends on abstaining from eating food or drinking juices, and replacing them with drinking water for a maximum of 3 days, due to a loss of one to two and a half kilograms over this period, and a loss of 4.5 kilograms per month.


And some nutrition experts on Livestrong stated that there are some people who succeeded in losing 21 to 30 kilograms after several months of following the water diet.


8- The keto diet

It depends on reducing foods rich in carbohydrates and increasing beneficial fats and proteins, and keto plays an important role in treating some diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, as it works to reduce blood sugar levels, as well as eliminate obesity.

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