Keto While Pregnant: Is It Safe Or Are There Risks?


Keto While Pregnant: Is It Safe Or Are There Risks? The keto diet, or ketogenic diet, is the latest trend in the diet, which is currently the king of diet systems.


It is strange to see thousands of people eat red meat and saturated fat instead of fruits and bread, but it turns out that this is not crazy, as all recent studies and people's experiences indicate that weight loss on ketogenic diets is real and fast.


However, our topic today does not deal with the keto diet as a whole, but rather deals with the health of the pregnant woman and about the possibility of doing it during pregnancy to maintain weight or control the level of sugar, so the main question in this article is a ketogenic diet safe for a pregnant woman?


Without wrap or spin on the topic, the short answer is no, this is the final answer to science on the topic. If you want to know why read on.


What exactly is the keto diet?

Above all for those who do not know the keto diet is getting 75% of your daily calories from fat, 20% from protein, and only 5% from carbohydrates.


Unlike low-carb dieting types, this percentage means that any major carbohydrates are completely eliminated.


There is no bread, no rice, not even fruits. Instead, there is a lot of red and white meat without forgetting the fish and fat as well.


Carbohydrates are the preferred means of obtaining energy for the human body, as they are quick to use and give a lot of energy, but despite this, the body's stock of them is limited (little glycogen is in the stock in the liver).


It is precisely for this reason that the keto diet resorts to eliminating this limited storage of carbohydrates so that the body is forced to use the stored fats and proteins and enter the state of ketosis, which stimulates the rapid loss of weight.


Supporters of the keto diet claim that this system will increase the strength of concentration and reduce the level of blood sugar in the long-term, which helps diabetics to get rid of their nightmare and finally the rapid weight loss that comes from the loss of fat tissue.


But all of these allegations, although some of them are true, the science behind them is weak. There are not many studies about the keto diet in general, and no one knows the long-term effect of the keto diet, whether on cardiovascular health or even kidney health, so we need more studies on the nature of the diet and its effect. Ketosis on the body in order to resolve the matter, which will definitely take time.


Is the keto diet safe for pregnant women?

When it comes to keto pregnant women, the situation becomes more serious and dangerous. There are no studies on the effect of keto on pregnant women, as the group to be studied on has been solved due to the risks posed to children.


However, there are some experiments on mice during pregnancy, which were placed in the stage of ketosis, after being deprived of carbohydrates and constantly feeding on fats and proteins.


The harm of the keto diet does not diminish only on that, but in most cases, it causes a shortage of essential nutrients for the fetus and the mother. The phlebitis diet completely negates the presence of fruits and many vegetables in the diet, which causes a shortage of the necessary materials found in these foods that are prohibited for both Mother and fetus.


Experts also explain that these results do not mean that a pregnant woman should eat a lot of carbohydrates. Some nutritionists advise starting with low-carbohydrate (low-carb) regimens for pregnant women, so there must be a balance in the number of carbohydrates for a pregnant woman, so you can eat a few carbohydrates, but not very little to enter. Ketosis.


Does the keto diet help reduce gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is an increase in the mother's sugar during pregnancy, and according to studies, this increase has increased in recent decades, and the mother must constantly monitor the levels of glucose in the blood, as its rise above the limit leads to health problems for the fetus and the mother alike.


The keto diet, helps reduce blood sugar for normal people, but there is no evidence of its effectiveness in lowering the blood sugar of pregnant women, so it is dangerous to use it for this purpose.


Doctors also advise in the event of high blood sugar during pregnancy to reduce carbohydrates and to rely on protein and fats more, and also to divide the food portions into small meals that contain only small amounts of carbohydrates.


It is possible to reduce carbohydrates without entering a state of ketosis and at the same time keep blood sugar under control.


Finally, it is advised to stick to natural carbohydrates instead of processing them, such as sweets, and to rely on fruits and vegetables rich in carbohydrates more. This alone will reduce sugar and control it without cutting carbohydrates completely.


What is the best diet for pregnant women?

When this question is asked, we must first remove the keto diet from the list, as we mentioned above, as it is considered a danger to the health of the fetus and it should never be tried during pregnancy, and Dr. Nicole, a specialist in women and children, prefers the Mediterranean diet because it contains balanced quantities of calories from sources Various healthy foods such as fish, olive oil, and legumes of all kinds.


As for the number of calories that must be eaten, in the first trimester of the camel, it is preferable that a pregnant woman does not increase her weight too much and does not eat more than usual before pregnancy, because the fetus is still very small and will not require much energy.


Eggs: They contain choline, which is an important compound for the development of the fetus's nervous system.

Seafood: especially those low in mercury, such as salmon and sardines, which contain healthy unsaturated fats such as omega-3.

Red meat is an essential source of iron.

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