A Ketogenic Diet to Lose Weight


A Ketogenic Diet to Lose Weight, the dream of losing weight and getting a slim body flirts our imaginations, whether we are men or women, but how does this happen?


How many times have we resolved our intention to follow a diet, but the feeling of hunger and deprivation overwhelms us, which we cannot resist, and in the end, we surrender to it and return to what we were.


There are many ways to lose weight, but they do not last. Hunger will make you give up your goal unless you have iron willpower, but for a moment !! What if we could follow a diet without starving? What is the justification now? Let us share with you our plan, which consists of 3 simple steps, but they are carefully considered by scientists.


Goals of the low-carb weight-loss plan (keto):

  • Greatly control appetite.
  • Moderate weight loss without feeling hungry.
  • Improve your metabolism at the same time.


Steps in a keto weight loss plan


1. Reduce your consumption of sugars and starches:

The most important part is reducing your consumption of sugars and starches (carbohydrates). Once you go towards lowering the amounts of them, you will notice that hunger levels drop in succession, which ultimately leads to eating fewer calories.


And because the human body needs carbohydrates to burn in order to provide the human body with energy, when it detects that they are low, it will automatically resort to stored fat, which is required to lose weight.


Also, one of the benefits of reducing carbohydrates is that this results in reducing insulin levels, which stimulates the kidneys to get rid of excess sodium and water in the body, and this reduces body swelling and unnecessary water. After following this plan, a person is expected to lose about 10 pounds ( 4.5 ​​kg). Of fat and water and maybe more in the first week.


2. Eat more protein, fats, and vegetables.

Each of your meals throughout the day should contain one protein source, a source of fat, and another source of low-carb vegetables. Eating meals this way will put your carbohydrate intake in the recommended range of 20 to 50 grams per day, helping you lose weight properly.


Protein sources

  • Meat: Beef, chicken, lamb, etc.
  • Fish and seafood: such as salmon, shrimp, shrimp, etc.
  • Eggs: Eating whole eggs with the yolk is best.


Weight loss tips:

  • It is not advisable to over-eat a lot of protein, as the recommended amount is between 70 and 80 grams of protein per day.
  • Protein has been shown to boost your metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day.
  • A diet rich in protein can reduce cravings for food by up to 60%, and surprisingly, it may reduce the desire for a late-night snack in half, in addition to making you feel full with a reduction of about 441 calories per day.
  • When it comes to losing weight, protein is the king of foods.


3. Weights 3 times a week:

Important note: This plan does not need to exercise to lose weight and see results, but exercise, of course, is a great thing that will speed up the results significantly.


But in general, the best option is to go to the gym 3-4 times a week, to warm up and then lift some weights moderately and gradually, but beware, if you are new to the gym, it is better to ask for some advice and help from the coach, To avoid injuries.


By lifting weights, you will burn a lot of calories and also prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight.


Studies on low-carb diets show that you can gain even a little muscle while losing large amounts of body fat.


If weightlifting isn't an option for you for any reason, then some aerobic exercise like walking, jogging, jogging, cycling, or swimming is great too.


You are allowed to increase carbohydrates one day per week, but of course, it is preferable to stick to healthy complex carbohydrates such as oats, rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruits, etc.


But as long as it is only one day, more than that, you will not see great success in this plan, and if you have a desire to eat an unhealthy meal, then eat it on that day.


This special day will boost some fat-burning hormones such as leptin and thyroid hormone, but this procedure is not necessary.

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