How to lose belly fat


How to lose belly fat? The problem is not that belly fat makes us look bad, but in fact, belly fat is linked to many diseases such as type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. It improves the Psychic.


Therefore, getting rid of belly fat has great benefits for your health and can help you live longer. Anything over 40 inches (102 cm) in men and 35 inches (88 cm) in women is known as abdominal obesity.


If you have a lot of excess fat in your abdominal area and want to burn belly fat, then you should follow some steps to get rid of it in order to preserve your health and lose your stomach effectively. It improves the Psychic.


How to lose belly fat


1- Stop doing abdominal exercises

Did you know that abdominal exercises will only strengthen your stomach muscles? And you will not burn the belly fat that covers the abdominal muscles.


Reducing grease spots is a myth and not true. By doing abdominal exercises 200 times a day, you are wasting time and effort.


Also, abdominal exercises can cause lower back pain, sagging shoulder muscles, and placing the head in the forward position. Lower abdominal exercises do not cause these problems, but they also do not affect belly fat.


2- It should get stronger to deposit belly fat

Strength training builds muscle mass, prevents muscle loss, and aids fat loss. And the best of these exercises are squatting and weight-bearing.


Your back muscles keep you up from the back, and your stomach muscles work from the front. Both muscles during squats and weight training exercises will prevent your body from collapsing due to weight. Weight lifting and squats will allow you to squeeze your body with heavy weights, making all of your body muscles work.


This will make you stronger quickly, as well as allow you to quickly build strong muscle mass, including abdominal muscles.


3- Eat healthy food to fight belly fat

You can do exercises and get strong abdominal muscles, but if you eat fast food a lot, you will not lose belly fat. Therefore, you should stop eating processed foods and eat integrated and unprocessed foods such as:

  • Proteins: meat, poultry, fish, whey, eggs, and cheese.
  • Vegetables: spinach, cauliflower, salad, kale, cabbage.
  • Fruits: Banana, orange, apple, pineapple, and pear.
  • Fats: olive oil, fish oil, natural butter, nuts, flaxseeds.
  • Carbohydrates: brown rice, oats, pasta, quinoa.


It doesn't need to be perfect, as eating fast food actually helps with fat loss by keeping your hormones high. But don't overdo it. Eat fast food at only 10% of your meals, as a maximum. This means eating 4 fast meals a week if you eat 6 meals a day.


4- Belly fat will disappear by eating fewer carbohydrates

The body needs carbohydrates for energy. But the problem is that people eat more carbohydrates than they need, and thus the body will store the excess carbohydrates as fat. And in this way, belly fat is most likely to be formed.


5- Belly fat and eat more food

You should know that eating more healthy foods will not make the fats build up in your body. Especially if you exercise 2-3 times a week. Starving yourself is a big health mistake. Correct nutrition is important for several reasons:

  • Get energy: Food is the body's energy. Your body uses food to lift weights, work, and digest. Lack of food means a lack of energy in all activities of life.
  • Fat loss: Eating healthy and appropriate foods helps you lose fat, as protein makes you feel full and is the highest nutrient in the thermogenic effect, and healthy fats help you lose fat.
  • Preserving muscles: If you starve yourself, the body will burn muscle so that it gets energy and not fat, and you will become thin and also have fat in your body.
  • Feeling hungry means that you are not eating enough food. Don't worry about calories, just eat breakfast, then eat every 3 hours, including after you exercise. Eating healthy foods most of the time will make you lose belly fat.


6- Protein to get rid of belly fat

Protein has a thermogenic effect more than other foods. Your body burns more proteins for energy than carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, diets rich in protein work well in burning belly fat. So you have to eat protein with every meal without worrying about calories.


7- Eat more fat! Belly fat will disappear

Fats do not increase your weight. But poor nutrition and lack of exercise increase your weight. Eating fats actually help you lose fat. Your body will not store fat easily if you give it a steady amount of healthy fats.


Fish oil is the best source of fat for losing belly fat. Fish oil increases testosterone levels and increases fat loss. Eat 6 grams of omega-3s a day to start.


8- Reduce body fat

For men, belly fat is the last place you will lose weight. If you suffer from gynecomastia or double chin, you will have to reduce body fat in order to be able to reduce belly fat by following the following steps:

Strengthen your body: train vigorously and maintain your muscles, this aids in fat loss and helps you stick to the diet.

Eat healthy food: Eat breakfast, then eat food every 3 hours. Eat proteins, vegetables, and fruits with every meal. Eat carbohydrates only after exercise. Drink 2 cups of water with every meal.

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