Lose weight with fruit diet for a week

Weight loss, fruit diet, to lose weight, lose weight, and fruit diet, for a successful week, because the fruits contain a large percentage of the nutrients that the body needs. In this context, readers are familiarized with the methods of losing weight while dieting fruits for a week, as follows:

Lose weight with fruit diet for a week

This diet requires, as its name indicates, to eat fruits to lose about one kilogram of weight per day, for a week, provided that the diet is kept unchanged. Therefore, it is advised, before following this diet, to consult a doctor, to ensure the safety of the body. In the case of wanting to lose more weight, that is, more than 7 kilograms, it is advised to rest for three days after the accursed week, then to follow it again, with the necessity of avoiding eating bread, sugar and bananas during the break period.

Fruits diet to lose weight

  • Citrus fruits, such as: Indian lemon (grapefruit), orange, peach, berries and cranberries.
  • Semi-citrus fruits, such as: apple, apricot, raspberry and cherry.
  • Fatty fruits, such as: avocado, olive and coconut.
  • Sweet fruits, such as: bananas, dates, figs, and grapes.
  • Starchy fruits, such as pumpkin.
  • Watermelon of all kinds.

An indication that the fruit diet calls on its followers to eat organic fruits as much as possible, and to drink more water, coconut water and fruit juice throughout the day.

Dieting fruits to lose weight for a week

Day 1: All kinds of fruits are allowed, except for bananas and dates, with the largest portion of meals given to watermelon and melon.

Day Two: It is allowed to eat raw or boiled vegetables, provided they refrain from adding oil, while cooking.

Day 3: It is allowed to eat vegetables and fruits throughout the day, except for potatoes and bananas.

Fourth day: It is allowed to eat eight fruits of bananas, and drink three cups of milk, provided that the said quantity is distributed over three meals a day.

Day 5 and 6: It is allowed to eat eight fruits of tomatoes, to be distributed for breakfast and dinner. As for lunch, it consists of a cup of boiled white rice, without oil.

Day 7: It is allowed to eat whatever meals you want.

Benefits of dieting to lose weight

  1. It helps to enhance the feeling of satiety and reduce hunger because it contains a high percentage of fiber.
  2. It contains vitamins C, E and A, in addition to iron, potassium and magnesium.
  3. Fruits help protect against health hazards that threaten the body, as they contain large amounts of antioxidants that boost the activity of the immune system, cleanse the digestive system, and eliminate food addiction.
  4. Fruits contain a lot of fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol and regulate bowel movements, and fruits that contain a good proportion of fiber are apples, pears, black and red berries.
  5. Because fruits and vegetables contain fiber, they help the body feel full for long periods of the day, so you don't need to eat foods like starches or fats.
  6. Fruits provide the vitamin C that the body desperately needs to strengthen the immune system and get strong teeth, and certainly the most important vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C are orange, strawberry and green pepper.
  7. Fruits and vegetables work like detoxes for the body, as they help cleanse toxins because they contain large amounts of water.
  8. Potassium helps the body improve blood pressure and stimulate blood circulation, and it is one of the most important elements that fruits provide to the body.
  9. Be sure to eat bananas, pears, cantaloupe and mangoes, as they contain high levels of potassium.