10 good foods for your heart - get to know them

Heart health is a good food for heart health The heart is the most

important organ in the human body, and for this you must pay special

attention to enjoy a healthy  body through a set of advice

and foods we provide to you, through an article that includes more than

10 healthy foods for the heart, doctors say  heart is

excellent, the whole body is healthy.

10 foods that are good for heart health

1- Buds to keep the heart healthy:

Doctors who specialize in treating the heart and maintaining a healthy heart 

are advised to eat buds, as they contain cabbage anti-inflammatory and work 

to reduce blood pressure, and improve blood sugar is important for people at 

risk of diabetes and heart.

Buds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help improve heart function and the

 health of the heart and other organs associated with blood vessels in the human

body, and omega-3 fat plays an important role in improving the work of hair

follicles to properly perform their functions.

There is no doubt also that buds maintain heart health. Also, buds are a good

source of fibers. The fiber content in legumes, nuts and seeds increases

substantially when budding. Fiber is an important nutrient to lose weight and

improve bowel movement, which improves digestion and protects

from Constipation.

It is also mentioned that buds are a good source of protein. The high-quality

protein found in beans, nuts, seeds and grains improves when they bud. Proteins

change during maceration and budding process, as well as the nutritional value

of them. Buds are an important part of your daily weight loss diet.